The time has come where everyone thinks that they know their credit score, but do they? First, there are three major credit reporting bureaus, thus three separate credit scores. Each bureau has their own credit scoring model. It is not uncommon for those three separate scores to vary by as much as fifty points. I find that most consumers only know one score and assume that the other two are the same. This is one of the many misconceptions when it comes to credit scores.

As a Real Estate, Mortgage Broker and Credit Consultant for over 25 years, I have helps numerous consumers understand what their credit scores are made up of, helping them increase their scores so that they are provided the best rates and terms on Mortgages, Auto Loans and Credit Cards. It’s not knowing the score itself, but what your creditors are reporting to the credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian and Equifax) that is important. Don’t assume that your credit report is accurate, because the likelihood of errors on your report are very high. Reports show that between 35-45% of all credit reports have at least one error. Sometimes it could be as simple as a misspelled name or incorrect address, but for others it is an unverifiable collection account, judgment or worse. Do not ever assume that the information that others are providing to the credit bureaus are true and correct. You have the legal right to get a copy of your credit report for FREE from each of the credit reporting bureaus annually.

My new book, “HOW TO MAKE YOUR CREDIT SCORE SOAR” provides consumers the ABC’s of understanding their credit, how to get your FREE credit report, how to read a credit report, how to plan your financial destiny and how to recover from bad debt fast and easy. I provide chapters for Negotiating Debt, The 5 Elements to a Credit Score and New Credit Users . I use real life scenarios, letting you know that you are not alone and you should never give up. It is said that currently there are approximately 65% of consumers that have some sort of derogatory mark on their credit report. The question is how to recover from bad debt and how long will it take. “HOW TO MAKE YOUR CREDIT SCORE SOAR” answers those questions and more.

I have made it my mission to educate consumers on how credit scores are calculated, so that they may benefit from the best possible rates and terms available (why pay more), stop the cycle of bad credit decisions and start building positive credit.

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